Trail Detail

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Trails are one-way and double-tracked (skate and classic) and difficulty ranges from beginner to difficult. Trails are open 24/7 to club members and daily to the public for a trail pass fee. The ski chalet offers restrooms, concessions, ski and snowshoe equipment rentals. There are over 6K of lighted trails that are open to club members.

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Feb.16 Iola Norseman Challenge
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Trail Reports

Reports 1 to 10 of 12    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Thursday, February 13, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Received about 2" of snow overnight. Everything as been re-groomed, tracks have not been reset from Monday. Green, Blue, and the Purple field are excellent. No tracks on Purple. Black Birkie is excellent, the rest of Black is quite good with thin spots on Streamside, Cardiac, and Pine Camp.
(Morgan Pease, Iola Winter Sports Club)
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Green - Open - Groomed with new snow coming down, Tracks set, A skis. Blue - Open - Groomed with new snow coming down, Tracks set, A skis (one hill is thin on the inside and tracks are thin in spots). Purple (in the pines)- Open - No new grooming, waiting for more accumulation, no tracks set, b skis in the pines. Purple (field) - Groomed with new snow coming down, no tracks set, A skis. Black - Open - Skate - Groomed with new snow coming down - A Skis. Black - Open - Classic - Tracks set, A skis on Black Birkie, B skis elsewhere. A little over an inch of new snow today has fallen with more flurries - Green, Blue, and the Purple field are excellent. Black Birkie is excellent, the rest of Black is quite good with thin spots on Streamside, Cardiac, and Pine Camp.
(Morgan Pease, Iola Winter Sports Club)
Monday, February 10, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Green - Open - Compacted and Groomed, Tracks set, A skis. Blue - Open - Compacted and Groomed, Tracks set, A skis (one hill is thin on the inside and tracks are thin in spots). Purple - Open - Compacted and Groomed, no tracks set, A skis on the field, b skis in the pines. Black - Open - Skate - Compacted and Groomed - still slightly soft A skis. Black - Open - Classic - Tracks set, A skis on Black Birkie, The rest of the track is very thin. All trails have been re-groomed today - Green, Blue, and the Purple field are excellent. Black Birkie is excellent, the rest of Black is quite good with thin spots on Streamside, Cardiac, and Pine Camp.
(Morgan Pease, Iola Winter Sports Club)
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Iola received 9 inches of light fluffy snow on Saturday. All the trails were open and had been rolled, but were very soft. Some tracks set but not deep. Nice to have enough snow to open the trails.
(Scott Frazier)
Saturday, February 8, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Green - Open - Compacted and Groomed, no tracks set, A skis. Blue - Open - Compacted and Groomed, no tracks set, A skis. Purple - Open - Compacted and Groomed, no tracks set, A skis on the field, b skis in the pines. Black - Open - Compacted and Groomed, no tracks set, B Skis or better (couple thin spots on streamside and pinecamp), first time being groomed this year so it is still soft Snowshoe - open and beautiful! We received 9" of snow today! All trails are open, Tracks are not set yet due to an electric issue with the tracksetter. Skate decks on Green and Blue are nice albeit still slightly soft with the amount of snow we received! Grooming plans: Hoping to have track setter sorted by Monday. Grooming will continue on the Black trail Sunday morning.Come on out and enjoy the new snow!
(Morgan Pease, Iola Winter Sports Club)
Thursday, February 6, 2025
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Green - Open - groomed, hard, windblown, B Skis. Blue - Open - groomed, still slightly soft, thin areas in areas, Rock or B Skis. Purple - Closed. Black - Closed. Green is hard and fast with good coverage, but with the wind today there is some debris on the trail. All trails have been compacted. Grooming plans: We won't be grooming again until Saturday evening.
(Morgan Pease, Iola Winter Sports Club)
Monday, February 3, 2025
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
Green loop was compacted and dragged, excellent coverage, base is good. No tracks set. Hope to have more trails open soon. Stay tuned!
(Morgan Pease, Iola Winter Sports Club)
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
[ Trails: Closed, Rock skis ]
With the warm weather trails are closed for the time being to preserve the base. We will update when we receive more snow.
(Morgan Pease, Iola Winter Sports Club)
Thursday, January 23, 2025
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
We received about 1.5" of snow last night that I compacted this morning on all of the trail systems - Green, Blue, Black. Green was groomed this evening and is in okay to good shape (b-skis recommended). No tracks set. Blue and black still don't have quite enough coverage to be dragged yet.
(Morgan Pease, Iola Winter Sports Club)
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
[ Trails Open: Partial, Rock skis ]
Green loop is open but very rough - lots of bare spots, icy snow. Not worth traveling until we have more snow.
(Morgan Pease, Iola Winter Sports Club)

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