Trail Detail

Grand Marais, MN
1 Gunflint Lodge 1 Gunflint Pines 1 Hestons
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45 miles north of Grand Marais. Large system near Canadian border and BWCA. Good mix of terrain with lots of overlooks. Many trails for classical with limited skating (roughly 30K). Three trailside lodges (Gunflint Lodge, Gunflint Pines Resort, Hestons Resort).
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

Reports 8 to 17 of 32    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Sunday, January 26, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
We got out this afternoon to groom the 3 or so inches of fresh snow we got. We groomed Big Pine, Little Pine (our lighted trail), Overlook, Highlands, Ham Lake, North Star, Upper West End, Lonely Lake and Amperage. All were groomed with a classic track and a skate deck. The trails have good coverage. The tracks are setting up nice and firm and not icy.
(John Fredrikson)
Thursday, January 23, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
We were out early to hit more if the trails after the inch or so of snow we got yesterday. This morning we groomed Overlook, Highlands, Ham Lake, Northstar and Upper West End. All with classic tracks and skate deck. Trails are setting up nice and form and are not icy at all. Grooming plans: Our plan is to hit the rest of the system by tomorrow morning to have everything in great shape for the weekend.
(John Fredrikson)
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
We got an inch or two of snow last night. We groomed Big Pine, Little Pine (our lighted trail), Lonely Lake and Amperage tonight. All were groomed with a classic track and a skate deck and are in good shape. Grooming plans: The plan is to get out tomorrow and Friday to have everything freshly groomed for the weekend.
(John Fredrikson)
Thursday, January 16, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
We were out early touching up the trails for the weekend. With the dusting of new snow the trails are grooming up well. This morning so far, we have done - Overlook, Highlands, Ham Lake, Northstar and West End. All trails are groomed with a classic track and a skate deck. The snow is setting up well and the skate deck has a nice solid base.
(John Fredrikson)
Monday, January 13, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Between last night and this morning we groomed most of the trail system. We ended up with about 8 or so inches of snow overall. The wind wasn't as bad as we had worried it would be. All of the trails were groomed with a skate deck and a classic track. Big Pine and Little Pine (our lighted trail) were groomed last night. This morning we groomed Overlook, Overlook, Rabbit Run, Aspen Alley, Warrens Road, Cut Across, Power Line, Short Cut, Upper and Lower West End, Ham Lake and North Star. Grooming plans: We are planning to get back out this afternoon to groom the two remaining trails that have not yet been done after this last snow event.
(John Fredrikson)
Saturday, January 11, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
We were back out grooming this morning. We finished out the A-loop. Trails groomed this morning were - Overlook, Highlands, Northstar and Upper West End. All of the trails were groomed with a skate deck and a classic track. The swamp on Northstar by the Loon Lake public landing needs more snow, but it is easy to avoid that stretch by following the public landing road. We are planning on wrapping up the B-loop later today.
(John Fredrikson)
Friday, January 10, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
With the fresh 3" to 4" of fresh snow we got out this evening to groom some of the trails. The new snow mixed nicely with the solid base we have been enjoying. We groomed Big Pine, Little Pine (our lighted trail), Lonely Lake and Amperage. All of these trails were groomed with a classic track and a skate deck. As you can see on the photos, they turned out very good. The swamps on amperage have frozen so it is getting better. We need more snow to fill in low spots still on that trail. It is skiable, but not in as good of shape as the rest of the system. Grooming plans: We are planning on gett my an early start tomorrow to groom the rest of the system tomorrow. We hope you can come up to enjoy the trails this weekend!
(John Fredrikson)
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Went back today to ski the major trails I did not get to yesterday. It looked like most trails were groomed overnight. The soft fluff was groomed in, which made the cold snow more abrasive but my polar wax managed to hold up for most of the afternoon. I skied Lonely Lake, Amperage, Big and Little Pine, Overlook, Rabbit Run, Aspen Alley, and Highlands. Grooming was excellent on all except Amperage where low snow was an issue. Deck firm, tracks solid. Classic skiers however should where protective eyewear as the face whippers were an issue everywhere.
(Tim Nelson)
Saturday, January 4, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
The groomer was out early again this morning to make sure the whole system is freshly groomed for the weekend. All of the trails were groomed with a skate deck and classic tracks including Little Pine, Highlands, Ham Lake, Northstar, Upper West End, Lonely Lake, Amperage. Amperage is in most need of snow with the swamps that still aren't fully frozen and the rocks on that trail. Hopefully we will get more snow some time soon!
(John Fredrikson)
Friday, January 3, 2025
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
A nice coating of new snow up to an inch in places took the edge off cold abrasive snow and polar wax worked great. It was so nice to ski on natural and fresh snow. All trails were well groomed with a firm deck and well formed tracks. It was very cold (about 3 below) but the forest kept the wind impact to a minimum. I think I skied the Big and Little Pine, Overlook, West End, River, Ham Lake and North Star trails. Many more left unskied so I will be back tomorrow. My only issue is that there are very few trail signs and many junctions and it was too cold to take off my mittens to check my map. Felt lost most of the time, but all trails lead somewhere and usually back to the trailhead.
(Tim Nelson)

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