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Skinnyski Race Team Weekend Recap

By Bruce Adelsman
March 2, 2003

With the dramatic change in the weather after the Birkie weekend, the racing scene is starting to look a little grim. However, even with all the warm weather the northland is still holding a lot of snow and all of the weekend racing events went off just fine.

Jill Troutner at the Lotvola Cup
Abbi May ventured out to the new Boulder Lake Ski Tour and came away with a fun race and a first place finish (9th overall!). Abbi continues to excel this season, made all the more impressive as her and husband Brian continue to raise two young ones (watch out for Rachel, she's demanding ski time already!).

Meanwhile, we were surprised to find Jill Troutner signing up for the Lotvola Cup at Maplelag, complete with wooden skis and the traditional flannel wardrobe. Jill has been serving overseas, but just returned state-side earlier in the week and is recovering from a broken foot. Jill wasn't racing for any big results, but was just glad to be back skiing!


Race Team Results

Feb 29th Boulder Lake Ski Tour

Abbi May       1st female  30K freestyle   1:33:14

Feb 29th Lotvola Cup

Jill Troutner  1st female  12K classical (wooden skis)  1:11:56


Team Member Reports

Boulder Lake Ski Tour Report from Abbi May

    One of my goals for this season was to do as many races as possible that I hadn't participated in before. There are so many great events to choose from each weekend, it will take years to experience them all. This weekend I decided to do the inaugural Boulder Lake Ski Tour. I was pleased to see a race on the calendar in Duluth's backyard. I have only skied the trails at Boulder Lake a couple of times, so even the course was relatively fresh for me. The trails are pretty well flat, but they have plenty of curves and gentle slopes to keep them interesting. I had prepared my skis with Toko HF yellow, with cera F over top and some rills. The riller was packed to put some more structure in the morning of if required. As we set off at 9:15 am and the rain started pouring down, it looked like that riller would get some more use! I was contemplating what to wear to race in heavy rains, but fortunately the skies brightened, and by the time we arrived the rain had stopped. By race time, the sun was threatening to break through the clouds and really soften things up.

    The course had been groomed by MN Power, as the trails are owned and managed by them for the community. The system includes a small warming hut by the lake, open daily and stocked with hot chocolate, cider, tea and hot water for thirsty skiers. The grooming team had been out literally all night long, and the trails were in top condition. The start on Boulder Lake was groomed to an impressive width, fit for about 1000 skiers! The corduroy was fast and firm as I did a warm-up, but by the 11 am start time, things were definitely slowing up. The course held up very well though, staying solid with good pole planting, and actually speeding up for me on the second loop as the surface was packed by skiers.

    I had a good start, passed a couple of men early in the first loop, then cruised the rest of the 30 km, pleased with how strong and comfortable I felt out there. It was pleasant to ski in just a ski suit, no under layers required, and no hat. The MN Power crew were enthusiastic spectators at the aid stations, and really seemed thrilled to be hosting an event on their trails. Between feed stops it was a very peaceful ski through the woods, as I was alone from about 7 km on. I was having to work to keep my skis gliding the first loop, so I was happy when they seemed faster on the second lap. There was a lot of V2 to be done, so I really enjoyed the few small hills with a chance to V1. The quicker tempo felt speedy compared to an effortful V2, and I found myself hop skating up many of the climbs. Almost too soon, I was back on the lake for the final push to the finish. Thankfully the headwind was a lot weaker, and the length on the lake a lot shorter than the Birkie finish across Lake Hayward last week! All in all, a friendly, low-key event with superb grooming - I'd be back next year except there are other races I have yet to try!



The 2003-2004 Skinnyski.com Race Team is supported in part by Swix Sport USA, Rudy Project, and Enervit America.

Abbi May is based out of Finn Sisu.

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