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Adelsman's Cross-Country Ski Page:  skinnyski.com
Field Reports


Field Reports : XL-1

Name: Scott Sjoquist
Report Filed: January 27, 1999
Products used: XL-1, 16.5 oz can of powder mix
When: January 2000
Where: Various locations/conditions
I received a container of XL-1 prior to the 14k Blue Hills Ascent in Bruce, WI. I decided I would try it out as a replacement to my regular pre and post race drinks. I mixed per instructions and consumed one water bottle on my trip to the race. The taste was appealing for a sports drink. The drink's appeal didn't change as the drink went from cold to warm sitting in my car during the 2.5 hour road trip. During the race I felt great, but a 45min race doesn't require much fluid replacement.

The next weekend was the 20k Balsam Vinter Fest I again consumed one water bottle on the trip to the race. I normally need some fluids if the race is over 1 hour but didn't feel the need to stop for fluid replacement during this 1 hour race.

The 30k King Boreas race in St. Paul was 1.75 hours in duration and I had consumed .5 water bottle on the way to the race. I wish I had consumed the entire bottle because at the 15k point of the race I was in dire need of fluids and had to stop at the water station.

Summary: The taste is appealing warm or cold. It works well for me as a pre race drink and seems to hold off my need fluids and GU longer than most sports drinks I currently use or have used in the past.

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