Elm Creek Series Results

February 23, 2011

Conditions: Temperature 33F with very little wind, soft moist snow on top of hard base in the skating lanes and the well-set classic tracks. The race course was set on the full 5K loop including Valley, Thicket and Northern Light trails.

Race distance: 5K, both classic and freestyle, mass start.

Nicholas Kjome                      12:07 (F) – kid’s division freestyle winner (2K) and the overall winner!!!
Lucas Hieb                          14:50 (F) -- men’s freestyle winner
Melinda Silbernick                  15:58 (F) – women’s freestyle winner
Peter Koroteev                      16:03 (F)
Jacob Kjome                         16:25 (F)  
Tim Hieb                            16:30 (F)
Jacque Poquette                     16:30 (F)
Tim LaCroix                         17:58 (F)
Jim Smith                                    /17:59 (C) – men’s classic winner
Steve Cirks                         19:58 (F)
Ghost                               20:09 (F)
Tim Justice                         22:38 (F)

It’s a beautiful night skiing at Elm Creek with a near perfect racing condition -- not warm like last week, or cold like 2-3 weeks ago, or windy like the memorable January Weds. But what was particularly special about tonight is that skiers of all age groups (from 9 years old, teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, to 50s), at all levels (first time ever racers to Birkie/Korte elite wave racers) all lined up right behind the same, single boot-made start line. While everyone knew this is the last race of the ECTT Wed. night series, everyone put out the best pre-Birkie/Korte show or set up the bar for the next ski season. Of course, the pre-race chat was all about ski flex, structure, wax, and weather at this upcoming Birkie/Korte weekend. When it was finally the time to say “Good Luck at Birkie/Korte”, emotions became hard to hide. “Grown men/women don’t cry” –Best luck to all of you, and enjoy the rest of the winter we have been blessed with. There are many xc ski events left before snow is gone. So, don’t hang up your skis just yet. In fact, if you also like to bike and/or run, there is a perfect season-transition event for you, i.e. the 22nd annual Pole Pedal Pant winter triathlon (www.polepedalpant.com) held at Elm Creek Park Reserve on March 12, Sat. Come and join us.

Our youngest skier Nick beat his last week’s time by 1 second (Nick, almost everyone else was slower J than last Wed. due to the snow condition. Nice job!). Tim Hieb is the WINNER of the 2010-2011 ECTT series, and he skied every race event this season started on Dec. 1, 2010. Also, Tim, it was great to see your son Lucas and friend Jacque lining up with you! Peter, Steve, and Ghost, thanks for putting the great effort at your first ECTT race. You now have set your bar. Tim L. and Tim Justice, no one can believe how much you improved this season. Your efforts have paid off. Finally, if you saw how M flew down the hill before the finish line, there would be no doubt that her Birkie would be fun to watch.

Thanks all for coming. See you next ski season, and hope to see you at the PPP winter triathlon and/or at some of the remaining ski events in 2011.

Ghost is tonight's winner for the drawing ($25 gift certificate) -- please come and claim it on March 12 at the Pole Pedal Pant winter triathlon or call Amy at 612-991-4912.

--Amy Xu (Timer) reporting for Race Director, Melinda Silbernick