John Munger

January 27, 2006

Loppet Update

The winter of our discontent continues . . . Final assessment of damage to the Loppet trails will take place over the weekend. Suffice it to say that the warm spell has had a severe effect on the course. Some golf course sections have lost all snow. Other sections will likely emerge in a very icy condition. Despite plowing efforts earlier in the week the Chain of Lakes look to be sheer ice with no snow whatsoever.

After the initial shock of the warm weather, the Loppet organization has come up with a plan. If there is no new snow between now and Loppet weekend, the event will be postponed until February 18 and 19. A final decision on whether to proceed or to postpone will be made by Wednesday, February 1, 2006. This decision will be based primarily on snowfall – or the likelihood of more snowfall – by February 2, 2006.

Loppet organizers recognize that February 18 is the date of its sister-event, the Minnesota Finlandia. We have been in contact with the Finlandia organizers. Because the Finlandia’s main event takes place on February 18 and, under the postponement scenario, the Loppet’s 35 kilometer events would take place on February 19, it will be possible to complete a dual-event weekend. Plans are being developed to make this a successful weekend for all involved. Details will come as soon as a decision on postponement is reached.