Elm Creek Relays / Time Trial

February 15, 2006
Race condition: glare icy condition in some sections and cold grinding condition in some other sections, hard pack base in most sections; snow covered the entire 5K race course including Valley, Thicket, and Northern Light trails, 17F temperature, 7F windchill.

Race format of the night: Individual time trial, mass start

Race results: Tonight’s season ending time trial was surrounded with chit-chat from cheerful “Good luck and have fun at Birkie”, “See you soon on the bike”, to saddened “Boy, it was a fun season, but it sure went fast”. When the “shotgun” went off, everyone left all those feelings behind and raced all their heart out, as usual. Chip Tabor took the lead from the start to end, posted the winning time at 12:37, and smiley Anna McLoon trailed only 16 seconds behind and won the women overall and 2nd in men & women overall at 12:53. John Hopkins had a strong race and finished 12:58 with Erik Erickson claimed the 3rd place in men at 13:37.

The individual times are (if there are discrepancies in the following posted time, please send an email to [email protected]):

Chip Tabor		12:37
Anna McLoon 12:53
John Hopkins 12:58
Erik Erickson 13:37
Kevin Neal 13:52
Joe Mundenar 14:07
Bruce Adelsman 14:08
Greg Klave 14:14
George Stickler 14:22
Odd Osland 14:40
Ralph Bovard 14:44
Kris Bjerkness 15:09
Andy Oman 15:13
Jesse Longley 17:52
Note:  We will hold one more race next Wednesday, February 22nd  - same time and location as usual!