Trail Detail

CR 16 - Ely
Ely, MN
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The road surface, shoulders and scenery make this 6 mile (one-way) route a joy. CR 16 is east of Ely, MN, about 1 mile east of the Voyageur Visitor Center and International Wolf Center. CR 16 is newly paved with wide shoulders. Gently rolling hills make it appropriate for the novice as well those wanting uphill efforts. The scenery, being on the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, makes it appropriate for lower intensity efforts also. One bridge crossing at Silver Rapids is fairly smooth but does require slowing down for the expansion joint and the grooved cement surface. Occasional gravel on the shoulder is predictable coming at cross-roads and driveways, and is easily negotiated. The east end of the route terminates with a surface change to gravel which is well marked. The map is an older vintage which doesn't indicate the road accurately on the eastern-most several miles (Michael Sweet).
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2023 season

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