Trail Detail

Appleton, WI
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Mainly flat with a few rollers. For 2012-2013 season there is constuction of two detention ponds on the course so the length will be reduced to one mile (stay out of the construction zone).
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2016-2017 season
Reports 1 to 1 of 1    Month: Dec
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Rock skis ]
My wife and I were able to set a decent "skier made" trail on Tuesday. This was after the last rain and after most of the footprints were made so it avoids most ponding, bare spots and footprints. It circumnavigates the golf course counterclockwise and is around the middle of the fairways that parallel the adjoining roads. I have skied it daily since and it is reasonably flat and straight. It is a little sketchy across from the James Madison school football field where it goes through some blown snow from the nearby sidewalk and then you have to cross the now iced over skate deck and iced based groomed tracks from before. Is it great? No. But it is deep enough that there are long 300 to 400 yard sections where you can let out your stride with no problem. If you ate too much Christmas pudding and are training classic for the Birkie, this may be your best local option in these desperate times.
(John Rosebush)