Trail Detail

Park Rapids, MN
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Here you will find the Headwaters to the Mississippi amongst towering pines. Trails are easy to difficult.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2017-2018 season
Reports 2 to 4 of 4    Month: Mar | Jan
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Firsthand: Both 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Conditions were somewhat variable. Skied the wilderness drive and there was good coverage and nice tracks and a firm skate deck. Other trail segments were somewhat thin and had a fair amount of walking traffic that had degraded the trails somewhat.
(Elias Anoszko)
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Firsthand: Both Secondhand 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
We classic skied the bike trail from the visitor center north to the headwaters and back and found it to be as good as ever. Although there was quite a bit of debris on the snow under pines, elsewhere it was perfectly clean, and Saturday night's light snow may have covered the debris up. The new bike trail (as of a couple of years ago) is wider with gentler hills than it used to be, so they now groom it for both classic (double tracked) and skate, though that doesn't leave much width for skate.
I also skated the 3 mile out-and-back lantern-light course on the south entry road after dark on Saturday night. Although there was a ridge in the middle of the skate lane when I started, on my return it seemed to have been flattened out by all the snow-shoers on the course. Although they weren't supposed to have snowshoed in the skate lane, why should I complain if they actually made it better? It was great to see so many people out enjoying the beauty of the night. Classic tracks were also excellent on that stretch.
We heard from others that the rest of the trails in the park, such as Wilderness drive, were rock ski conditions, so I didn't try them.
(Lois Braun)
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Itasca has a good amount of snow, and has been completely groomed last weekend. The classic trails are icy, skating is quite good although fast and very hard base. Classic tracks are icy and control is scary on any of the hills on deer park, ozawindib etc. the trails with skate lanes at least make speed control possible. Recommend for skate or classic: south entrance road, wilderness drive, bike trail, in that order, until we get a little more snow. A reform should help and the conditions should be fine for the lantern kit ski Saturday night. Skaters could use good skis.
(Deane Johnson)