Trail Detail

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Trails groomed daily, as necessary. Classic and skating, Lessons available for individuals and groups. Warm chalet with showers, sauna, changing rooms, lounge area, snacks.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2018-2019 season
Reports 81 to 89 of 89    Month: May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov
Friday, December 28, 2018
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Our trails got 13" of new snow by this morning. It is wonderful, but really challenged the groomers, and we spent the morning clearing deadfall/snapped trees, and compressing the snow on the 5K/Special K. We finally groomed a pretty, but soft Skate deck and set a classic track on the 5K (less Special K). Tomorrow morning we will refresh the 5K skate deck, then begin compacting and grooming the 10K segments of the Perimeter Loop, which we plan to finish by noon. Then, we will begin to clear, compact and groom the remainder of the 10K, which probably will not be complete until Sunday. We have three groomers working, but the heavy snow makes things take time. The Oval, and the "new" Kiddie Loop were also groomed today. Open 8-9 on Saturday.
(John Graham)
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Grooming Secondhand Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Today's snow event kept the groomers busy. We began rolling and compacting about 5" of snow before sunrise, and for the next 7 hours we were just trying to stay ahead of the snowfall. All trails - 5K, 10K, Oval, and Kiddie loop were groomed at least 4 times, and began to firm-up and smooth-out. At 2 p.m. the temp went above 33 degrees, snow was wet, and the forecast was for "ice pellets", so we decided that rather than compacting wet snow and turning the trails to ice overnight, we would leave the new snow alone until tomorrow morning. Skiers reported a smooth, but slow, skate deck, and classic skiers (no track set) reported sticky conditions. The snow is still falling at this time (9:30 p.m.) but we will resume rolling and compacting at 7:00, and will have the 5K groomed and set with a classic track by noon. Then we will groom and track the 10K. Snowflake will be open 8-9 on Friday and Saturday, 8-8 on Sunday, and 8- 1 a.m. on New Year's Eve for anyone who wants to ski into 2019. Headlamps recommended for night skiing. We are still accepting registrations for the Snowflake KidSki and AdultSki programs (details on website).
(John Graham)
Friday, December 7, 2018
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Had a fantastic first ski of the year out at snowflake this morning. I went around the 5K loop a couple of times. Thanks to John Graham for grooming--definitely still a number of spots to be careful about with grass sticking up and few rocks here and there, but mostly good and fairly easy to navigate overall. I'll be out now as much as possible from here on out. So excited for another ski season.
(Nathan Holst)
Thursday, December 6, 2018
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
The light snowfall of yesterday did not add much, but the cold and overcast conditions have preserved most of what is already on the trails, so this afternoon we ran a groomer over the 5K, Perimeter Loop, and most of the 10K. Skate only, there is not enough snow to set a classic track, yet. Definitely rock ski conditions. We have closed Hovland Hill off until we gwet more snow on it, and would advise skiers to avoid "Wiggles" because it is still very bumpy. The chalet is open 8-8 every day, and the Ski Ergs are available for use by members, except during East HS practices, M-F 3:30-6:00 p.m. Think Snow!
(John Graham)
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Rock skis ]
A fresh dusting of snow helped the trails today. They are still ungroomed, bumpy and thin but they are skiable. Definitely rock skis.
(John Jereczek)
Thursday, November 29, 2018
[ Trails Open: Most, Rock skis ]
Last night's snowfall was less than forecast, about 1" of fluff on the trails, so while we had the equipment ready to groom early, we called it off because the benefits would be questionable. Wet mist evolved during this morning, and by leaving the trail alone, we hope to dry it out, rather than create a thin ice sheet on the ground. We are open to Members, who would want to go out on rock skis, but it is still rough out there. The best conditions are on the inner sections of the 10K. Early bird discount memberships should be postmarked by Nov 30th - prices go up in Dec 1st. Snowflake KidSki info and downloadable Registration forms are posted.
(John Graham)
Monday, November 26, 2018
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Rock skis ]
A prudent skier would NOT ski our trails at this time. The weekend rain really corrupted our thin base, and the return to sub-freezing temps turned the remaining snow to hard ice. Coverage is patchy. Note that the Duluth East Nordic Team begins practices today, so the Ski Ergs will not be available between 3:30-6:00 pm, M-F. Early bird discount memberships must be must be postmarked by Friday Nov 30th. Snow is in the forecast and the Sleds, Ginzus, and Groomers are ready to go.
(John Graham)
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
As expected, George Hovland, founder and long-time proprietor of Snowflake, was the first skier on our trails, on minimal snow-cover on November 10th. Old Rock Ski conditions! However, the 2" of dry fluff that fell last night and this morning seduced us into taking the Ginzus out this afternoon, knives-up, to compact the light snow on the rock-hard ground. We groomed the 5K, Special K, and Perimeter loop, Skate only because the snow is too thin to groom Classic tracks. Those trails are thin cover, some debris and rocks exposed, and skiable on Rock Skis. Classic skiers are welcome to ski-in a track on the right side of the trail. The non-perimeter segments of the 10K remain un-groomed, and should offer more pleasing Classic skiing. We are open every day 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. for now, and will update as the Friday weather event unfolds. Happy Thanksgiving and Think Snow!
(John Graham)
Friday, November 9, 2018
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails: Closed, Rock skis ]
Skated 5.5K using my rock skis on the first fresh snow of the season. Poor ungroomed conditions overall, but better on the Special K section that gets drifting from the wind. Great to be back out for the first time since my last ski on June 3rd on the last of the man-made snow at Spirit Mountain, after a season including 140 days in a row skating. Here's to another great season. :-).
(Lane Ellis)

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