Trail Detail

Duluth, MN
Classic Only
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Korkki Nordic Center is a secluded trail just east of Duluth, consisting of a single-track classical trail. Wicked hills, flats, has everything. Trails were designed for racing and are recommended for those with at least intermediate to advanced classical skiing skills.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2017-2018 season
Reports 11 to 13 of 13    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Firsthand: Classic Secondhand Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
The Marshall Nordic Team had practice at Korkki today. Mark had groomed the biathlon loop and the classic trail out to the 6k cutoff and back, The skiing was very good thanks to all of the shoveling that Mark did before the snow on Saturday. There are a couple of thin spots but overall it is great. After skiing, the team enjoyed two different crockpots of chili, one of beef stew and on of beet soup. It was the perfect way to end a great practice. Also Mark would like the skiing world to know that the course will be open on Sunday and Monday. He will groom for the high school race Monday evening, so that the skiers will have the best course possible on Tuesday.
(Dave Johnson)
Friday, January 12, 2018
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
I am relieved to say we are a go for the High School race and better yet we are now open. Please get the word out that we now have 6 KM tracked and Dorothy's loop and the Biathlon skate loop are groomed as well. I have opened the trail to the public for the weekend. However, it will be closed Monday / Tuesday for preparations and for race day. I should have the back 3 KM open by the following weekend. I used the new light track well spent. The parking lots are plowed, two Biffie's have arrived, and I have three volunteers to help park buses. There is a chance for moderate snow on Sunday. If that happens it will only make things better.
(Mark Helmer)
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Charlie Banks the founder of Korkki Nordic was a high school coach at Duluth Central. He made the trails out at Korkki for his team. His priority was his high school skiers. Mark Helmer is honoring this tradition by working hard to prepare Korkki Nordic for the upcoming Two Harbors invite on Tuesday, Jan 16. The snow cover is thin on the Korkki Trails, so Mark and his friend Craig spent today shoveling snow from the side of the trails onto the trail. They shoveled about 2 kilometers of the 6 kilometer high school course. If you love Korkki and high school skiing, you are most cordially invited to come out at anytime before the 16th to help shovel in the trail. Mark will have shovels available near the chalet. Mark does not want to close the Korkki trails but he is asking that folks find another trail to ski on until after the high school race if at all possible.
(Dave Johnson)

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