Trail Detail

Minneapolis, MN
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New Reports Report Requests


Located off Central Ave, in the heart of Northeast Minneapolis. One of the oldest golf courses in the Cities. Most of the trail system is on the west side of the park.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2018-2019 season
Reports 27 to 31 of 31    Month: Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan | Nov
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
Rolled and set a classic track. Trail held snow from last grooming in most spots, but there are still some windswept areas that are thin and bare. However, there is decent coverage on much of the trail and is actually beautiful in some sections. Be careful on cart paths and the bridge because it is a bit thin. I know it's cold, but enjoy the skiing at Columbia!
(Jim Daggett)
Monday, January 28, 2019
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Trails were surprisingly good for a late night ski. Some drifting snow in the unprotected areas, but overall the rolling the groomers did in the morning made a nice skate deck. The classic tracks were often filled in with drifting snow. A few minor bare spots over some grassy areas (again due to the drifting snow) were easily avoidable. Thanks to the Columbia groomers for getting out there right after the snowfall!
(Blaine Gudbjartsson)
Monday, January 28, 2019
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Rolled and groomed this morning. Set tracks but still thin in spots. Make sure to be careful on cart paths and bridge. Ski and enjoy! Think snow!
(Jim Daggett)
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
[ Trails: Closed ]
Just in case you were wondering, you have a better chance of playing golf than skiing at Columbia right now. It is bare with frozen patches of ice that more closely resemble an ice rink than a skate deck. Anyone who wants to do a snow dance, feel free.
(Greg Loper)
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Rock skis ]
We skied the whole golf course at 6:30 pm and had a good time. The trails were ungroomed and some leaves, sticks, debris were sticking through, but it was definitely doable and great to be out in the natural snow! If you avoided the cart paths due to slipperiness it was good. Nice to use the front bowl where they don't usually groom - hopefully the groomers will hit the large part by the Chalet this year.
(Amy Fredregill)

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