Trail Detail

Green Bay, WI
Classic Only
[ NWS ]
New Reports Report Requests


A natural wooded park within the city limits of Green Bay. The terrain is moderately hilly with hardwood forested hills and a wetlands area in the middle of the park.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2014-2015 season
Reports 1 to 1 of 1    Month: Nov
Friday, November 28, 2014
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Bare ground ]
Conditions: 2" base with 1" fluff on top.
They ran a snowmobile over all the trails it would seem in effort to pack the trail. It worked, creating a 2 inch base. There are no tracks set yet. Some walker footprints on almost every trail but still a decent ski with old waxless classical skis. The trail is in a city park so no need to worry about deer hunting activity. Avoid the trail directly to the west of and below the water tower. It has some very deep erosion ruts at the bottom of the trail. The ruts are 1 to 2 feet deep and dangerous. City should probably close off this one section of the trail.
(Dan Statz)