Trail Detail

Burnsville, MN
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A great hilly trail system completely in the woods. Because of the woods, the trails hold their snow better than most.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2017-2018 season
Reports 21 to 27 of 27    Month: Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan | Nov
Saturday, January 27, 2018
[ Trails Open: Most ]
I'm assuming the trail is open all the way around. I went to terrace oaks this morning to ski a different trail - I felt it was unskatable - hard and icy with no edging. The pathway down to the trail was equally dangerous - lots of ice on the path.
(Scott Greymont)
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Skied Terrace Oaks under the moonlight, and conditions (aside from the ever-present walker damage) were good. Trail is still soft, and curiously, tracks were set on only a very small portion of the loop. Forest was beautiful under a mantle of fresh snow, so good to have a real dumping of snow to get the trails open. Now if those hikers would only heed the big, brand-new sign imploring them to stay off the groomed trails...
(Jaime McCarthy)
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
Overall good conditions, but some caveats that highlight the weaknesses of Terrace Oaks. Great skiing on windy days, sort of like a mini Woodland Hills. The two drawbacks today were the hikers who have put some big dents in the snow, and some gravel on the uphills. Several years ago gravel was put on most of the uphills to stop erosion; unfortunately they used limestone with sharp edges instead of crushed limestone or a rounded granite type stone. I have scraped my skis previously there. The other weakness is the infrequent and inconsistent grooming, and no notifications by the city of the grooming. That all being said it is a close-in suburb gem that is my go to on the south side when it is windy...all in the woods and a well marked 5 km loop with lots of twists and turns and hills.
(Scott Engstrom)
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
I really enjoyed skiing at Terrace Oaks. Overall the skiing was really nice. There is a fair amount of churned up frozen ground near the tops of the hills but you can easily avoid. Plenty of people and pets have have also churned up the trails.
(Paul Nigon)
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Fair to good. Based on the report from yesterday, I thought I'd encounter very good conditions. But at 2:00 today, before the high school team wore it down, there already were many uneven spots, with the primary problem being a slight channel, or trough, instead of the trail being flat, running fairly consistently along the middle of the trail. It seems to be a function of machinery or skill and effort that this dip is dragged through the course. It was very nice to be off of the beaten path but would have liked better trails. Classic tracks were intermittent. Only a few areas where rocks were sticking out, all on the edges so easily avoided.
(Julie Anderson)
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Really surprised how good the snow coverage is on the trail today! The skate deck was really soft though and may need some time to setup solid. Beautiful day!
(Charlie Puttonen)
Monday, November 20, 2017
[ Trails: Closed ]
I hiked the outer hiking/ski loop (Blaze) trail with my hiking poles. The City Parks Department has done a great job of repairing (patching and smoothing) trail erosion areas on steep downhills. The ski trail should be wonderful this winter if there is significant snowfall.
(Ken Kuznia)

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