Trail Detail

Saint Paul, MN
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Trails are on the golf course. Some nice hills but most of the course is pretty exposed. There is one back leg that is quite shaded and seems to hold snow long after the rest of the course loses it. Rentals at the chalet.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2017-2018 season
Reports 24 to 27 of 27    Month: Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Firsthand: Both 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Como has good snow cover but is not groomed. There are limited classic tracks that appear to have been set in the lighted section and others that appear to have been made by skiers skiing over other skiers tracks. The added snow we received last night was a plus. Only in some cat tracks on the west side of the trails was there any significant dirt showing. If you are careful there (and under the bridge) you will not have anything to worry about with your skis.
(Greg Loper)
Monday, December 18, 2017
[ Trails: Closed, Bare ground ]
We have not set trails at Como yet, because we've been trying to get tree work done. Recognizing that there isn't enough frost in the ground for heavy equipment, will be opening Como with the next significant snowfall. We should be able to groom a trail once we get a couple more inches of snow. We'll maintain that trail as long as we can and try to hold all scheduled Nordic events through January 22 when tree work is scheduled to begin.
(Tyler McKean, St. Paul Parks and Recreation)
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails: Closed, Rock skis ]
There is significant tree work that needs to happen on the Como golf course before the cross country season begins there. We know this is inconvenient for skiers, but hope we can start the work soon with the cold temperatures finally returning. For your safety please stay off the course until were able to establish a trail after the tree work is finished. Please respect that these trails are closed. We will get the trails open for you as soon as we can.
(Tyler McKean, St. Paul Parks and Recreation)
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails: Closed, Rock skis ]
There is significant tree work that needs to happen on the Como golf course before the cross country season begins there. We know this is inconvenient for skiers, but hope we can start the work soon with the cold temperatures finally returning. For your safety please stay off the course until were able to establish a trail after the tree work is finished. Please respect that these trails are closed. We will get the trails open for you as soon as we can.
(Tyler McKean, St. Paul Parks and Recreation)

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