Trail Detail

Eau Claire, WI
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Trails are rolling to hilly and are found on both sides of Lowes Creek.
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Trail Reports

2022-2023 season
Reports 2 to 11 of 12    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Trail in decent shape, some sticks and debris down where west and east cross, but you can avoid it. Some debris down throughout, it it's not bad. Classic tracks set.
(Tiffany Miller)
Friday, January 27, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Part of Lowe's got groomed, with the exception of a few sections on the east side and after you climb the hill back to the west side. Fields were getting drifted over, so it didn't look groomed out there. I would suggest anyone going out here today stay in the woods, it's much better (and more visible) skiing. Skate deck is packed, but a little soft. Classic tracks set but also soft. Debris is coming down with the wind; I did a fair share of stick flickin' while I was on my warm up and cool down portions. Still, you can use your good skis out here and avoid most/all debris.
(Tiffany Miller)
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Best Lowes has been this year. Great skate deck overall. Groomed and barely walked on! Soft spots here and there and few crusty bits under some big pines. The open loop towards 93 was great.
(Kyle Schalte)
Saturday, January 14, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
I hadn't been out here in a few weeks due to trail conditions, and it was in much better shape this time around. Fresh groom from Friday, skate deck was firm and fast. Still debris on the trails in spots, but much improved, easy to avoid it, and flicked some sticks off as I went. Overall much cleaner and I feel like good skis can be used, just keep your awareness. Classic tracks were set, but really rough looking especially on the west side, and also shallow in many sections. Less post holes from hikers too, although the downhill and multiuser trails were a little bumpy, which is expected on the multiuser trails. Colder start than I anticipated, but it was warming up at the end of my ski.
(Tiffany Miller)
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Overall the skate deck was in nice and fast condition. Was a very enjoyable time as the new snow and cold temps were enough for the grooming crew to churn up the base and provide good grip. Hopefully walkers will stay off the trail. I'm often frustrated going to Lowes as it's gotten worse with inconsiderate walkers on the trail when it's obvious their tracks are punching holes. By the way, I would suggest avoiding the steep hill connecting the two areas of the park by the creek. Prolonged walkers and ice conditions have really taken a toll on the hill and it's treacherous, somehow I stayed upright but barely. The only thing you can do is remove your skis and walk which perpetuates the problem but there isn't really an alternative. A decent snow may help even it out again. It's too bad there isn't a single walk use trail that could be added so hikers could easily access both sides.
(Jeff Kirschling)
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Soft snow up to 2" deep in open areas on top of what was sort of packed down previously. There isn't a packed base so my poles would punch through and the deck is very uneven. Under the pine tree sections, trails were icy with ice mounds making skating difficult. Mildly frustrating ski. Going left from the parking lot there was classic track set, none yet set on the loop to the right.
(Kyle Schalte)
Friday, December 30, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Rock skis ]
Walkers have left deep boot prints in every trail that I skied today, and they have now frozen like concrete. There is more debris from sticks, pine needles, and oak leaves on all the trails in the woods. I wouldn't ski here again until we get more snow.
(Jim Pedicone)
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
It's about the same story as we've been sharing about trails in the area, so not much new to report - instead of cold, soft noisy snow we have warm, wet and soft noisy snow. Poles sunk in deep, that's how warm it was. Trail was groomed up, but heavy usage and bootprints down the middle of the trail in numerous spots made it bumpy. Additionally, the warm up freed the trees from the heavy snow, but as they shook loose, they dropped more sticks and debris on the trail. I found the west side to be very rough and a bit hazardous, there's almost more debris on the trail now than after the storm. The fields are the best bet, they cleared out the drifts with the last groom and even the hill in the far east field you could go up. Classic tracks were set as much as they could be and holding up ok. You can get away with B skis if you stay in the fields mostly, but anywhere else is probably a little risky.
(Tiffany Miller)
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Lots of twigs and pine needles on the trail and snow is finally falling out of the pines. Skate deck was mostly firm and appears the tracks are holding. Hopefully walkers and bikers will not damage the trails in the afternoon when it's most vulnerable.
(Jeff Kirschling)
Monday, December 26, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Fields were the most skiable, save for some areas with drifts; you actually felt like you were skiing versus slogging through it, which was a nice change. The small hill out in the far field wasn't passable due to drifting, but the detour around it was all right enough. Rest of the trails were well worn with tracks, ski, snowshoe and otherwise. Lots of tracks and grooves. Made for slow going and I got my skis caught a few times. Lots of debris down as well; spent some time flicking sticks. Classic track was set in some areas, but other areas it was really shallow or not there at all, and sometimes in seems closer to the middle versus off to the side of the trail. Mostly just bad weather and timing of late. Keep flicking sticks.
(Tiffany Miller)

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