Trail Detail

1 Wildcat 1 Smrekar
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Some of the finest ski-touring trails in Wisconsin. Parking can be found at the Wildcat Lot, about 4 miles NE of Millston, and at Smrekar Lot, about 4 miles east of Millston. Trails run through woodlands and rolling terrain. There are 9 loops totaling 24 miles, and most trails are designated one-way. Ridge, Norway Pine, and Wildcat trails have very steep sections and are recommended for experts.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2022-2023 season
Reports 12 to 13 of 13    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec
Thursday, December 22, 2022
[ Trails Open: Partial, Rock skis ]
We were able to get some of the trails groomed and track set! There is still a lot of debris on the trail which we will likely be battling all winter. Be prepare for some low hanging branches as well. Trees and limbs are still falling, but much less frequently, so keep your ears open for snapping and don't be upset if there are more down trees down over the weekend. All things considered, the skate lane is in pretty good shape and the tracks set up nicely. We will continue work on clearing next week! Open South, Central, western half of North, Links 2 and 3. Closed: Wildcat, Red Oak, Norway Pine, Ridge, and Link 1.
(Natalie Brown)
Friday, December 16, 2022
[ Trails: Closed ]
From Forest Staff: A wet and heavy snowfall has caused a considerable number of branches and trees to fall on the trails. It may take days or weeks to get the trails cleared for use. We will be focusing on one section/loop at a time. At this time with the amount of heavy snow still up on the branches we are not recommend any trail use at this time.
(Peter Bakken)

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