Trail Detail

Monticello, MN
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Beginner to intermediate skill level, primarily intermediate. Rolling terrain goes through wooded areas, old growth forest areas, and past lakes and ponds.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2019-2020 season
Reports 2 to 4 of 4    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Firsthand: Classic Secondhand 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
As of Sunday afternoon, trails had not been groomed in a while. Another skier told me that she talked to the park staff and they said the grooming equipment was down. The good news is the Bjorklund Loop had good, stable skier-set tracks 90+% of the time. It looked like I was only the second skier around the Big Woods Loop. It was a good opportunity to try my 59/50/55s in their natural habitat! Unfortunately, there was apparently some freezing rain at the tail end of the Friday-Saturday snow, leaving a crust that was too thin to glide over but still thick enough to grab my tips while herringboning. Poling was also difficult, as the crust would catch the baskets on the way up. There's plenty of snow out there, but until the trails are groomed, it would be wise to stay away unless you are bringing low expectations and a sense of adventure.
(Ben Hoese)
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Everything open and snow cover decent (some icy, rutted spots), but I don't feel park's rating of "good" is accurate. May have been good a few days ago, now they are poor to fair. Trails there are almost all classic only, but as of today tracks are largely obliterated by abuse of various sorts: lots of walkers have been on and around tracks, snow shoers too close to tracks, poor skiing practice (people unable to stay in tracks and some going wrong direction - so some downhills were herringboned). It's too bad that the park goes to the trouble of tracking a nice trail system and then it immediately gets ruined.
(Janet Fol)
Thursday, December 26, 2019
[ Trails Open: All ]
We went hiking at Lake Maria because I didn't think the trails would be good for skiing. Boy was I wrong. Wish I'd have packed the skis. The trails had good coverage with no bare spots. Some leaves on the trail but that's to be expected there. Classic tracks looked to be in good shape.
(Sue Logan)