Trail Detail

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Trails groomed daily, as necessary. Classic and skating, Lessons available for individuals and groups. Warm chalet with showers, sauna, changing rooms, lounge area, snacks.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2022-2023 season
Reports 51 to 60 of 87    Month: Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov
Friday, December 30, 2022
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
We now have 10 km of trail cleared and open: the 6K is groomed for skate and classic skiing and is firm and very nice; and we have two portions of the 8K skate-groomed with the compactor, but still too soft/deep to get the Ginzu thru. To access the 3K groomed portion, ski out the 8K Start and follow the grooming. You'll finish at the 6K trailhead. Today we cleared and compactor-groomed a 1.1 K loop around The powerline/Fisketti Junction/Nicolai's Narrows area (photos). Enter off the 6K trail, at the 2K marker/ Perimeter Loop Cut-thru and turn right, then follow the grooming. You'll exit where you entered, then continue the 6K. This "new" loop is very soft, despite 9 runs with 2 sleds and the compactor. Knee deep snow under a 6" crust. The deep snow on the remaining 4K of the 8K trail is stopping our sleds! If anyone would like to snowshoe down the middle of those segments, it will help and speed-up trail recovery. Walk out the 8K return trail, towards Hovland Hill, and tramp out any of the un-groomed trail segments. Loppers are available in the chalet, if you like, but tramping down the snow for our sleds is most appreciated. Saturday night, New Year's Eve, I will keep the 3K Lighted Loop "on" until 1 a. m. for anyone wishing to "ski into 2023". The chalet will be open until 1a. m. Please keep the noise down in the chalet, as our tenant works on Sunday, and take any "beverage containers" home with you. Thanks for a great 2022, and have a healthy, prosperous and happy 2023!
(John Graham)
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
The 6K has been skate groomed every morning and is getting firm, and was reported as fast. The 6K classic track, set on Monday, is well skied-in and still in good shape. Today we managed to open and compact 3Km of the 8K trail! ( Photos) It was compacted with multiple sled and roller/compactor runs, but still too soft to get the Ginzu through. Begin at the 8K Start and just follow the grooming. We are open 8 a. m.-9 p. m., the 3K lighted loop is lit til 9, but we'll leave the lights on until 1 a. m. on New Years Eve in case you want to ski into 2023.
(John Graham)
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Skate deck and classic tracks firmed up after last grooming. Tracks in great shape. Deep snow base. There really isn't that much tree debris on trail. Debated whether to select good skis or B skis in trail report selector. I used B skis, but could have used my good skis easily. Lots of skiers out enjoying Snowflake trails.
(Ken Kuznia)
Monday, December 26, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Winter wonderland! Very nice track set by the Three Grooming Elves and their grooming machines/sleds. Skied Jane's 5K plus the Special 1K. Used B skis, but the trail and tracks seemed very clean for the most part from tree debris. Deep snow base. In photo, check out the snow depth on the large wooden spool towards the beginning of Jane's 5K.
(Ken Kuznia)
Monday, December 26, 2022
[ Trails Open: Partial, B skis ]
Happy Boxing Day! Today we got 3three sleds out, and compacted and re-groomed the 6K trail. It has a soft Skate deck and a new classic track, that is beautiful but needs to set-up. The blizzard left a few big drifts that we groomed through, and a lot of small tree debris, which is why I suggest B skis. We groomed a skate and classic track on the soccer field for beginners and kids. Grooming plan: Tomorrow morning we'll clean-up the skate deck on the 6K, then take the sleds into the 8K to compact and continue clearing downfall from the 27" snowfall. If we can, we will get the compactor through, and open a skate lane. No promises, and I'll update as we make progress. Happy holidays from the "Grooming Elves"!
(John Graham)
Monday, December 26, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Good skis ]
I skied two 6k loops about 1pm. The first loop was after the groomers packed the trail with their snowmobiles and the second loop was on fresh groomed trail. The entire 6k was groomed including biathlon loop and "Special K". It was soft and slow but should set up eventually. I can't say it enough that we are so fortunate to have some of the best most dedicated groomers around here at SnowFlake.
(Nic Bacigalupo)
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
On Tuesday, we regroomed the 5K skate deck, then compacted and skate-groomed Special K, so the 6K was completely clear and groomed. We then groomed the Pulse Loop for skating, accessible from the 8K start. On Wednesday we cleared trees from the first 2K of the 8K. As temps went sub-zero we have found the saplings "iron hard" and our loppers brittle (photo shows 3 pair of loppers broken during Wednesday's work). Grooming plans: With the cold weather, we have halted trail work until the temp and windchill become more reasonable. Dry snow and wind are likely creating a lot of drifts on the groomed trails, but we'll deal with that when the weather allows. Mery Christmas!
(John Graham)
Monday, December 19, 2022
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
This morning we were able to clear, compact and groom a skate deck on the Biathlon Loop, so the entire Jane's 5K is now groomed and open. We also cleared a track about 8' wide around the Pulse/Dave's Doom loop. It can be accessed by skiing out the 8K start, and following the sled tracks. We have a crew on snowshoes cutting downed trees on the Special K, right now. Grooming Plan: Tomorrow morning we will groom any new snow on the 5K, reset the classic track if required, then compact and groom the Special K, which will give us a fully open 6K trail. If possible, we'll get the compactor and Ginzu around the Pulse loop. We are measuring progress by the kilometer right now.
(John Graham)
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
After the massive dump of snow (27" with the 3" of dry snow yesterday) with the recent storm, I was expecting really soft slow conditions. Nope. Only the 4+K was groomed (basically, all of the 6K sans side biathalon loop and Special K). Skate deck was mostly solid. Kudos, as always, to the dedicated Snowflake grooming crew for corralling all that snow into a very fun ski. It should improve with more grooming, as there are parallel uneven areas from the deep, heavy snow. Pole plants were 99% absolutely solid. I used Fastwax green and it was way faster than I thought it was going to be with the cold temps. We are set for a great base for the season! Get out and enjoy Nature's bounty folks.
(Tom Heinitz)
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Good skis ]
Good skiing on Jane's 5/6k. Classic tracks were great throughout. People and puppies appeared to be enjoying the skate deck. A little soft at times. 8k was still not groomed. Tried to venture in but sank pretty quickly. Developed greater respect for snowmobiles.... Happy skiing! Thank you, groomers!
(Javariah Asghar)

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