Trail Detail

Northwood Golf Course
Rhinelander, WI
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The trails traverse through a gently rolling forested area adjacent to the golf course with a small portion of the trails on golf course property. The trails are well suited for beginner to intermediate skiers with a one-kilometer skate trail on steep hills for the adventurous expert skier. Trailhead is at the golf course driving range.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2019-2020 season
Reports 9 to 9 of 9    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Monday, December 9, 2019
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
First of all calling this a "Golf Course" trail is kind of crazy. It's 90% lovely wooded trail that happens to use the golf course for parking/access. Conditions on Monday, during a drizzle and before about 5" new snow were good. Surface was hard and a bit icy after the warmer temps on Sunday. Groomers have worked very hard to clear down trees and get the trail open and groomed. I appreciated the opportunity to have a very pleasant ski close to home. I skied classic and the tracks were decent but had suffered a bit from weather changes. The skate deck was a little rough in places but that is to be expected when the season started with 20" snow accumulated before any grooming could be done. I'd bet on great conditions after the next grooming. Everything is open except one short bit that crosses a swamp.
(Ruth Jaeger)