Trail Detail

Sturgeon Bay, WI
Classic Only
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The park features forests and dunes along the rugged coast of Lake Michigan and include a large expanse of sandy beach and the highest dunes in the state.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2021-2022 season
Reports 10 to 11 of 11    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Sunday, December 12, 2021
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
Trail Conditions: Fair - poor in some areas, good in others. Less than 2” new snow over crusty snow was packed and combed early Sunday morning before temps began to rise above freezing. A marginal track was set in all areas except the Red Trail which has minimal snow. Many areas have considerably leaf and twig debris from past gale force winds. Rock skis are recommended. Primary purpose of grooming was to pack down and preserve as much snow as possible before warmer weather. Average base is 3-4” with considerably less under evergreens. Skiers are urged to refrain from skiing when temps are way above freezing.
(Rich Dirks)
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Trail conditions are fair in many areas. Grooming for the season has begun after about 5-6” of new snow on Sunday. With the exception of the Red Trail, the other trails have been rolled, packed and track set. There are some occasional thin areas and woods litter here and there, but generally there is a 2-3” base. Trail will be somewhat soft til it firms up. Skiers are encouraged to enter from the Red Pine lot since the Red Trail beginning at the Nature Center doesn’t have enough snow to groom at this time. Also, skiers will see some changes this year, namely in selected areas snowshoers and hikers are allowed to use one side of the trail. This is to accommodate the increase in snowshoeing and hiking in recent years.
(Rich Dirks)

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