Trail Detail

Grand Rapids, MN
Classic Only
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Trail runs through rolling hills and lakes, with maple, basswood, and aspen forest. Connections with Amen Lake Trail. Rated intermediate/expert.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

Reports 1 to 9 of 9    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Friday, February 7, 2025
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Groomed and track set North Suomi. Good snow, good track set until I ended up with groomer problems. Large drifts on the ridge above Dr. Lake, so that area is a little wonky. Past Spruce island I had groomer troubles so no track set the rest of the way. Second half of Balloon Lake has nice track set. fFirst half of Spruce Island Lake loop is track set. Trails close to north parking lot are nicely track set. Also I was not able to groom the road to Adele Lake from the north parking lot. Grooming plans: If we get snow Saturday, I plan to be out on Sunday grooming and hope things go better.
(Dale Juntunen)
Monday, February 3, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Groomed Amen and south Suomi up to the north Suomi parking lot. Good snow coverage.
(Randy Zupan)
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Good skis ]
I skied all the trails in Suomi North; nothing was groomed so now it's all tracked (I skied classical). Beautiful snow, will be more fun once the groomer actually sets the tracks but right now all the more difficult hills are very easy so it does present opportunities to those that might normally hesitate to ski in Suomi Hills.
(Linda Gruenhagen)
Monday, January 27, 2025
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Entered Suomi Hills from Orange Lake Road. That segment had several inches of snow on the tracks since the last grooming. A fox had followed one track the full length until the turn off for the North trail head. The snow skied in well and it was very easy to turn on steep downhills. I eventually connected to other skier tracks coming from the North and South trail heads. Now is a great opportunity to check out these scenic trails.
(Jeff Pesta)
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Groomed north Suomi all trails open. Hard ice base with settled 3" of sugar snow on top made for a terrible track setting. Recommend only skiing the loops close to the parking lot and maybe the Balloon Lake loop. I only track set 1/2 of the Balloon Lake loop. Spruce Island Lake loop has a terrible track set, as the groomer slid sideways on all the side sloped areas. Worst ever grooming attempt.
(Dale Juntunen)
Sunday, January 12, 2025
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Groomed Amen and south Suomi up to the north Suomi parking lot. About 5" of light snow on top of a solid base. Track is squirrelly in places due to the groomer sliding, but plenty skiable.
(Randy Zupan)
Friday, December 20, 2024
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
Groomed and track set the Balloon Lake loop and the loop just north of the North Trail parking lot. There was not enough snow to do it justice, so that is all I did. Track set is shallow on most so I think leaving what was done last week would provide a better track to follow in the 1" of fresh snow. The loop north of the parking lot, I was able to move over on the new wide roadway and set a decent track for some of it.
(Dale Juntunen)
Saturday, December 14, 2024
[ Trails Open: All, Rock skis ]
Packed all north Suomi trails. Track set most. not much more than a base pack, but skiable. Lots of fallen branches and tops. I removed the larger ones, but trail is littered with small branches and leaning brush.
(Dale Juntunen)
Friday, December 13, 2024
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Packed and tracked amen and south Suomi up to the north Suomi parking lot. Skiable with some sticks and low hanging branches from the wet snow last Sunday. Eyewear recommended and be ready to duck and weave.
(Randy Zupan)