Trail Detail

Neillsville, WI
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The trail system consists of approximately fifteen miles of groomed trail and another ten of ungroomed backcountry routes. The more advanced trails are located north and west of Levis on Trow Mound, while intermediate and easy trails lay near the base of Levis Mound. All groomed trails are set with diagonal tracks and a skating lane averaging 12 feet wide. Depending on snow conditions, the trail is generally groomed twice per week. Trail passes are required. Facilities include a new cross-country ski chalet, running water, mens and womens bathrooms.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2019-2020 season
Reports 2 to 11 of 16    Month: Feb | Jan | Dec
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Good skis ]
I skied the last three days. Freshly groomed Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon. A bit soft on Monday with all the new snow. Tuesday was excellent, today still very good. Thanks so much to the groomers!
(Denny Blum)
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Trails are groomed and in soft condition, tracks set and still soft. Looks like they must have re-rolled sections after setting the track as it would disappear in some of the narrower sections. Little bit lumpy on the skate deck from the little bit I went onto it. Sounded like somebody went hiking on the ski trail and they had to re-do it after which may be what caused a lot of the issues as it's normally very well done. Little bit of forest debris forming from the moderate wind today but nothing major.
(Gunner Anderson)
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Good skis ]
I skied at Levis Saturday and Sunday. Grooming done both days, thanks to Steve and his crew. Saturday was soft and slow, new snow and warm temps. Perfect waxless ski day. Sunday was hard and fast, the hills were evil. Levis is a great place to ski.
(Denny Blum)
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Kind of a mixed bag at Levis today. Unfortunately a lot of the soft wet snow was groomed before it froze so there was lots of corduroy ice. Tolerable on the flat areas but real white knuckle skiing on Mound Bounder and other downhills. There were some areas that had been groomed after it froze and they were quite lovely. I hope they can get the ice tilled up in the next couple days. I love this trail system but its not as much fun on ice.
(Randy Lueth)
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: Most, Good skis ]
Great day of skiing, almost all trails open except Bad Bear. I unofficially measured 14 inches of snow in the woods. Deep, sturdy classic tracks. The oak leaf and needle issues have improved. Swix blue was awesome. I would rate conditions excellent. Oh yeah, you can skate too, or fat bike.
(Steve Beezley)
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Trails were all groomed this morning after that extra couple inches of snow last night. Classic tracks had set up nicely by noon with good speed with Fast Wax HS30. Only a couple small twigs on the tracks that are easily seen in advance and avoidable, already getting some oak leaves- maybe one every couple hundred yards with the stronger wind. Skate deck looked great and pretty smooth, not a skate skier but the one set of tracks that I saw had maybe an inch of indentation each time so may be a little soft? This was on doing the whole outer circuit (less Bad Bear which is closed). Some of the best skiing I've had all year condition-wise and should get even better with more snow. Fatbike Trails were also groomed.
(Gunner Anderson)
Monday, January 13, 2020
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Good skis ]
The couple inches of snow from last night and the grooming today made for great skiing. I encountered very little in debris and the boiler plate of two days ago turned into very skiable terrain today. I did the complete circuit, riding the rails most of the time and enjoying the skate deck when I wished.
(James Mohr)
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: Most, B skis ]
Skate deck was rock hard and lots of debris, especially when near pine trees. Classic tracks looked quite dirty with leaves and pine needles.
(Gary TerBeest)
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Good skis ]
Conditions were quite acceptable with a combination of an inch of new snow on a freshly groomed trail from the previous night. I was able to skate Mound Bounder with ease. In fact with the new snow and temps in the thirties the track was a bit slow. Wind had also blown leaves, branches and twigs on the trail, but it was still very skiable. In some places there was a new classic track, but I didn't use it.
(James Mohr)
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Firsthand: Both 
[ B skis ]
Heard from groomer that the trails were groomed on Friday. Thank goodness! It made for "doable" conditions with just enough edging on mostly hardpacked skate deck. Despite the groomers efforts, some icy spots and many uneven surfaces made skating fast but challenging in places. Classic tracks, although also icy, proved more consistently enjoyable with fishscale skis.
(Sandy Wagener)

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