Trail Detail

Lake Tomahawk, WI
715-385-3355 x121
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Mcnaughton Lake Trail follows old logging roads around three lakes and has very few steep hills. It is very scenic and an excellent trail for a beginner. A five and a half mile loop is groomed for skating. There is a shelter with a fire ring on the trail.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2018-2019 season
Reports 24 to 27 of 27    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec | Nov
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Firsthand: Both 
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
Conditions were actually horrible. That being said, I really appreciate the skate loop which I did first. The groomer had packed the track but the groomer had left two tracks with somewhat of a skate deck in the middle. I skated about 10Km on that track and then left for lunch. I returned from lunch and decided to classic ski the skate loop. I classic skied the skate loop figuring as I thought I saw a bit of a classic track when I skated it. It wasn't much better, but I did manage another 10km classic skiing. I returned to the parking lot on the classic trail. I am not complaining. I love the skate loop at McNaughton. I wish the forest service would groom more trails for skating. My wife likes trails that have not been tracked. She would have loved conditions on the classic trails but she was busy with grandkids. Suffice it to say, conditions should be great once the groomers get out again to level and track the trails. The grooming the forest service provides is very much appreciated!
(Jim Gantz)
Friday, December 28, 2018
[ Trails Open: All, B skis ]
All loops have been packed. Some slush spots due to the recent rain. Should freeze up with colder temperatures.
(Tony Martinez)
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Rock skis ]
Another 4 inches of snow has fell since I was last here, improving the ground cover greatly. I broke trail on skating trail to shelter and came back on classical trail. Even under the pines coverage was good and I hit no rocks. I believe the State will not groom trails until after deer hunting. Very skiable trails with great kick and glide. Temp was 22 degrees. I saw no hunters and heard no shots.
(Greg Dahl)
Friday, November 16, 2018
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Rock skis ]
Fair early season conditions. No grooming or skied in tracks. Lots of footprints, more on classical side, so I broke trail on skating trail to shelter. The usual wet areas were frozen, few rocks, and leaves and pine needles. Surprising a good glide with more snow depth on these trails. I skied back on classical trails and they were very skiable too. Tomorrow starts deer hunting so wear orange if skiing.
(Greg Dahl)

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