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Nordic-dedicated snowmaking, daily grooming, and a full-service chalet, located off of Grand Avenue at the bottom of Spirit Mountain. Currently 2.5K of snowmaking. Expansion plans call for connector trail linking the new trail to the 22 km of existing trail at the top of Spirit Mountain.
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Trail Reports

2021-2022 season
Reports 23 to 25 of 25    Month: Apr | Mar | Jan | Dec | Nov
Friday, November 26, 2021
Grooming Scheduling 
[ Trails Open: Partial, Good skis ]
The snowmaking crew are giving thanks to great temperatures these past few days and nights and have made a lot of great progress in getting the snow down at Grand Avenue Nordic Center. After assessment this morning, we will be opening our stadium to skiing up to the first valve house and to the bottom of the alpine runs. We are still making snow on the rest of the system and will be travelling around with snowcats, snow guns, ATV’s etc, so please stay to the designated areas for everyone’s safety.
We are working as quickly as we can to open more, but are weighing that with making sure that we have enough snow where we need it to be before moving on to avoid closing areas down unnecessarily. There may be times where we need to adjust where we are open to accommodate for the distribution of snow with our cats, and final blade work in preparation for the CXC Cup Super Tour race next weekend. Please respect the areas we need to close to do this work to make this great event happen; the groomers thank you!
We hope to see you all out soon enjoying your first laps of the season!
(Erik Blow)
Monday, November 22, 2021
[ Trails: Closed, Bare ground ]
As many are aware by now, we are well underway in our snowmaking efforts here at GANC for the impending SuperTour races December 4th and 5th. We’ve been making great progress with some agreeable overnight temperatures and there’s a few more cold nights in our future to take advantage of! Despite what seems like an abundance of skiable snow from afar, we are not quite at the point to be open for general skiing as we are still in the process of pushing out, moving equipment, and getting everything set up for the races. Depending on how things play out with how much more snow we can get out before the temperatures shut us down again, we may be able to provide something to the public. Please keep tuned to hear more if that turns into a reality or not. Cheers and happy (hopeful) skiing!
(Erik Blow)
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
[ Trails: Closed, Bare ground ]
The course had its final mow today and snow guns are in place waiting for snow making temperatures. The first scheduled race of the season is the Duluth SuperTour, December 4&5. We'll be making snow specifically for that race weekend and course, then returning with the snow guns to make our minimal 18" base throughout. All eyes are on the thermometer.
(Larry Mishkar)

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