Trail Detail

Plymouth, MN
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A nice set of trails with rolling hills. The first lighted trail system in the metro, it still attracts a lot of after-work skiers.
Ski Trails Rollerski Trails Stores Lodging

Trail Reports

2020-2021 season
Reports 3 to 12 of 63    Month: Mar | Feb | Jan | Dec
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Firsthand: Classic 
[ B skis ]
As I finished off my ski in the afternoon, I was asking myself if I would have preferred to stay home. The answer was no, but I certainly would have had to call the conditions poor. There were times I was gliding along nicely, but other times my skis were sticking, or could not get any glide. Still, a beautiful day, and it sure was easy getting up the hills!
(Liz Ferron)
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Skied around 10 AM, skate deck was at that perfect temperature where it was still icy-fast but had just enough softness for good control. Lagoon, the drop into Lakeview, and the Meadow loop before the bridge had lots of sticks/bark/debris on the path. Lagoon, Lakeview, Meadow, Skyline, and the Causeway were washboarded. It was pretty good if you stayed to the far left. The classic track looked pretty icy. I was impressed there really was only 1 bare spot, and that was in the classic track under a tree!
(Steve Hum)
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Pretty good! Pleasantly surprised, nice glide, great coverage. Some sections were pretty packed and icy-ish, and difficult to pole, but no slipping while skating and able to get an edge everywhere without problems. My guess is in colder temps they would be pretty icy. Lots of washboarding in some straightaway stretches, and there were a couple of spots along the edge of the trail (both underneath cedar trees) where water appeared to be pooling and the snow seemed slushy. But these things were easy to ski around. The tracks seemed shallow and icy in places. In the shade there was deeper snow that looked pretty well-groomed; it was slower but not too slow, and still good glide. Overall a fun trail in pretty good condition during the day.
(Kristian Markon)
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Firsthand: Classic 
[ B skis ]
Word for the morning: icy. After all the thawing and refreeze, the groomers did a pretty good job on the deck, though it's still ground-up ice. The tracks were mostly ice, with skiied-off sections, not very usable. Gave up after a short loop (Lakeview/Meadow). Plus side - no bare spots there, little debris.
(Laurie Ford)
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Generally good conditions, occasional leaf/tree debris but nothing that couldn't be skied around. On Meadow, Lagoon, and Skyview the skate deck was washboarded on the right-center, much better conditions on the left side of the trail.
(Steve Hum)
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Skied all of the night-time-lighted trails and also the south end of the medicine trail. Generally good conditions, no bare ground, no debris, no ice. Classic tracks starting to wash out in places on Lakeview trail.
(Eric Bauer)
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
This was my first time skiing at French and I found the trails delightful. There is a solid base on all of the trails with recent grooming that was well used by mid morning. The signage was clear and very helpful. I would be interested in how well the lights work in the evenings.
(Greg Loper)
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Great snow coverage. The track are decent 85% of the time. Looking east to the lagoon trail looked very washed out, but all other trails good. Skate looked very good. Slick today.
(Diane Pattridge)
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Firsthand: Freestyle 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Skated during the snowfall. Trails were pretty good but with the new snow things were changing rapidly. The snow was a nice consistency and will probably set up well into the warming temps.
(Kristian Markon)
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Firsthand: Classic 
[ Trails Open: All, Good skis ]
Great looking skating deck. But the classical tracks I would have to give only a “fair” rating, good in a few spots but even poor and washed out in many others. While skating looked regroomed very recently, I guess they just don’t have enough snow to do much with the classical tracks. Still, a nice afternoon to be out!
(Dave Carlson)

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